The sensible retainer

The all-in design retainer, dedicated to your SaaS business

graphic showing elements that encapsulate the UX studio

A Sensible, Design Retainer

At Beyond the Pixel, we understand the relentless journey towards the perfect product. New features, trial users pouring in, and the never-ending pursuit of product-market fit are a lot for any team to juggle.

That’s why we launched the Sensible Dedicated Retainer. The sensible way to execute your product design ideas without the overhead of hiring a full-time designer.

Queue Up Unlimited Requests

We all know there’s no such thing as an unlimited design plan, it’s marketing, plain and simple. However, you can have a dedicated product studio at your disposal, day in and day out.

Need to review your SaaS user experience? No problem. Wireframes for a new onboarding flow? You got it. Need to iron out the friction points during signup? We can do that, too!

Queue up as many UX and product-related design tasks as you need into a single pipeline, and we’ll tackle your requests one by one. You’ll get your initial designs in one or two business days. No more waiting for busy freelancers!

How the All-In Design Retainer Works

graphic representing the signup process to our dedicated retainer service

1. Subscribe and start immediately

Subscribe to our Sensible Dedicated Retainer and queue up as many design tasks as you need each month. We’re always here to help you grow your business.

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2. Review your designs

Your initial designs will be waiting for you within two business days. We’ll upload them to your private portal, where you can review them at your leisure.

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3. Make changes and approve!

If you need to make any changes or updates, no problem. Let us know directly in your client portal, and we’ll keep working until you’re happy!

A Sensible Design Partner

Our process always begins by understanding your business goals and customers’ needs.

When you subscribe, you get a true product design partner committed to furthering your success. We’ll learn your product inside and out and ensure every design decision drives growth – not just aesthetics.

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Product Design Without the Hassle

Here are a few things you’ll no longer need to worry about:

No hiring overhead
No employment costs
No long-term commitments
No long waits
No huffing and puffing when you need revisions
No hidden costs

You’ll get access to a senior design partner for a flat monthly fee. Scale up during busy sprints, and dial it back when you’re heads down.

image showing elements of a design retainer service
photo of Ruben Gamez, client of our design retainer serice


Why make things complicated? You’re a SaaS, and we’re a UX design studio. With one simple plan, we can fulfill all your product-related design needs.

Have questions? See our FAQ below.

To ensure the maximum attention, we limit the number of simultaneous retainer clients to 3.

The Sensible Plan

The dedicated retainer from a studio dedicated to your SaaS


One task at a time
Work with a senior designer
48-hour turnaround
Onboarding call
Pause or cancel anytime

or book a call


What types of design work are included in the All-In design retainer?
We will work on any aspect of your SaaS product design. Typically, this involves research, wireframing, building Figma prototypes, and high-definition design work. It’s probably easier to say what we don’t do. We don’t do marketing materials (landing pages, pitch decks, etc.), write copy, code, create gifs, or make the tea.

How does the task queue work?
You’ll have access to your private client portal, where all design tasks can be submitted. We’ll work on one request at a time. Once a task is approved, we’ll move on to the next. If something is a priority, you can label it as such, and we’ll push it to the top of your queue. Depending on the complexity of the task, we aim to deliver work within 48 hours, Monday to Friday.

Who will we be working with?
Beyond the Pixel is the UX studio of Nathan J. Powell. So, rest assured, you’ll work exclusively with me on all design tasks.

Can’t I just hire a full-time designer?
Sure! If time and budget are not an issue, you can definitely do that. Just bear in mind the average salary for product designers in the US is between $75K and $119K. Add to that benefits, taxes, the cost of the interview process, not always having enough work for them, and still having to pay their salary… With Beyond the Pixel, you can pause your plan anytime and return when ready.

How many design tasks can I submit?

You can queue up as many design tasks as you like. There is no limit! We’ll work on one request at a time. Once a task is approved, we’ll move on to the next.

What if I need revisions on a design?
This is the beauty of our dedicated retainer: As long as you are a client, all revisions are included. We’ll keep iterating until you’re happy! One thing to note: Revisions will, of course, delay the time it takes to move to the next task—but you knew that 😉

How does the design process work?
Before starting any design work, we’ll have an onboarding call to discuss your SaaS, business goals, and target users. From here, we’ll create purposeful solutions aligned with your strategy—not just aesthetics. After signing up, you’ll have automatic access to your private client portal. All design work, feedback, and messaging will be shared in your client portal. Work asynchronously, and use Loom for pretty everything. When submitting a new task or giving feedback, a quick video usually removes the need for any back and forth.

What software do you design with?
everything is done in Figma, although sometimes we might jump into Balsamiq for initial wireframes.

How does billing work?
This is a retainer service, meaning you will be billed monthly from the subscription date. Billing is secure and managed by Stripe. We don’t have access to your billing details. If you want to pause or cancel your subscription anytime, you can do so directly from your client portal.

How do I get started?
Just click the “Get Started” button in the Pricing section. From here, you’ll be asked to fill out some details about your business and make the first payment via Stripe. After payment, you’ll be given access to your client portal. Here, you’ll find details on how to book your onboarding call. You can start queueing design tasks immediately!

Still have questions?
Book a 15-minute call and ask away!

vector portrait of Nathan J. Powell

Your dedicated UX studio without the studio salary.

The average salary for a product designer in the United States is between $75,000 and $119,000. Not everyone can commit to such numbers.

Beyond the Pixel makes UX accessible to growing SaaS businesses without the commitment or cost of a full-time employee.

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