Have an idea for a new feature?

Welcome to your design accelerator

graphic showing elements of the Feature Sprint UX service

Introducing The Feature Sprint

Do you have an idea for a new feature you want to test? Are you unsure about the details or how to proceed? We’ll do all the heavy lifting. All it takes is a kickoff call.

Our Feature Sprint provides a streamlined system for moving you from “I don’t know if this will work” to “Let’s do it!”… Or not.

Here’s what our feature sprint looks like:

The kickoff call

We’ll start with a comprehensive call to discuss your feature. We’ll review your goals and understand the ‘whys’ behind your idea.

We’ll ask for any information you’ve put together, whether this is a few sketches, a list of competitors doing something similar, or a mind map you threw down at midnight. Now’s the time to share where you’re at.

graphical element showing a video call to begin a ux project
graphical element showing a UX review of a competitor

The UX Review(s)

Once we have all the relevant information, we’ll review your SaaS’s UX. This will give us our starting point. It’s crucial to understand how your new feature will fit in and if there are any existing problems we should be aware of.

We’ll also run up to three competitor UX reviews. This will help us better understand what they’re doing well and not doing so well. Think of these reviews as condensed competitor analyses.

We will share each UX review with you in video format and a written summary. We’ll highlight all significant findings and make recommendations based on these discoveries.

The Wireframes

Our Feature Sprint is designed to save you time, money, and mental energy. Identifying potential problems and opportunities before you reach the development cycle reduces the risk of launching a feature that fails to meet user expectations. This is where wireframes excel.

Wireframes allow us to iterate quickly and ensure your feature has the strongest start. Once we’ve struck wireframe gold, we’ll hand everything over so you can pass them along to your developers and build that feature!

How the Feature Sprint Works

Day One: Kickoff Call

We’ll schedule a time to learn about your business, how it works, and who its customers are. We’ll discuss your sprint goals and the best way to reach them. The more we learn during the kickoff call, the better equipped we are to help you succeed.

Day Two: UX Reviews Galore!

We’ll kick things off with a full UX review of your SaaS. We don’t want to taint our first impressions by reviewing your competitors beforehand!

From here, we’ll shift our attention to your top three competitors. We’ll run UX reviews to understand how they deal with similar challenges. These reviews are also a fantastic resource for any future product choices you might consider.

Day Three: Review The Reviews…& Give Feedback

On day three, we’ll add links to all your UX reviews in your private client portal. Seeing how competitors deal with similar challenges can give you a fresh perspective and even generate new feature ideas. Once you’ve reviewed everything, let us know what you think!

Day Four: The Wireframe Sketches Begin

Now we have your feedback from the UX reviews; we can begin to work on your feature wireframes. Sometimes, there is a clear path forward, and other times, multiple. We may explore one or several options depending on what the data and our experience tell us. Either way, all our attention will go into finding the best possible solution(s).

Day Five: Share Wireframe Designs & Discuss

Again, we’ll share our updates with you in your client portal. We prefer to give presentations in real-time, but we know it’s not always possible. We often work asynchronously across different time zones. If so, we’ll record a detailed video walking you through the designs and the thinking behind them.

Day Six: Iterate

Based on any feedback you may have from the previous day, we’ll jump back into design mode. With our studio ethos, ‘Sensible UX‘ always front of mind, we’ll iterate until a viable solution is found.

Day Seven: Handover Final Wireframes

This is the moment you’ve been waiting for. We’ll send your wireframes with additional thoughts or notes to your client portal. From here, the world is your oyster. You can send the wireframes directly to your team, create a clickable prototype, start user testing, or even begin building. And if you don’t want to do any of that yourself, we can help!

vector portrait of Nathan J. Powell

Your dedicated UX studio without the studio salary.

The average salary for a product designer in the United States is between $75,000 and $119,000. Not everyone can commit to such numbers.

Beyond the Pixel makes UX accessible to growing SaaS businesses without the commitment or cost of a full-time employee.

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